Our New Home

In the winter of 2009, finally sick and tired of apartment living, Chuck and I began the long journey of house-hunting.  Our options were limited, not just because of our price range but because we were only looking in one city.  My oldest stepdaughter lives with us and we did not want her to have to swap school districts again.  

I was beginning to get extremely discouraged when one day, in February, while I was home with a sick stepdaughter, our realtor called with a house she claimed we needed to look at ASAP.  I met her there and it was fate.  Two days later, Chuck looked at it and we put in a bid.  We got our keys at 4:00 on Monday, March 16, 2009 and at 4:15 we were scraping wallpaper!
The house is a 3 BR, 2 BA split-level (no basement, bummer) on just over a half-acre.  This was in the beginning of February when we first looked at the house.